Friday, May 20, 2011

created a different nail polish color

I was going through my nail polishes yesterday, and found one of those colors that comes with the french manicure sets.  I was not a fan of this color, it was kind of a pinky iridescent color.  I only used it once before I got a different color to combine with the white tips.  I was about to throw the polish out when I had one of those "I'm being wasteful" thoughts.  I thought maybe I should just use it up just to use it.  But then I decided to mix it with another color polish.  The color I chose was by Revlon called Hot For Chocolate.  Here is a picture of me wearing it in a previous post. 

My husband hates this color!  He tells me it looks black and all goth like!  I love this color!  The only thing I don't like about this polish is it really only lasts for two days before it starts to chip.   Anyway, I added about 10 drops of this color to my ugly polish and this is the color I came up with!

I love this color!  Plus it feels like it is going to stay on longer than the plain brown one I favored!  I put it on yesterday morning and it is still looking great!  What do you all think?

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